Tag Archives: Children’s literature

Nova June: Inventor

30 Jul


Nova June: Inventor©2018: Available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle.

Picture Book, STEM/Educational Fiction (3-7 years)

Cover Summary:

Who is Nova June?
She and her pet box turtle, Georgie, are out to change the world one invention at a time.
Nova never stops creating. She knows progress means paying attention to the STEM trail-blazers who came before her. Learning from their mistakes and successes is the way to improve, and she plans to do just that.


Coming July 1, 2018: Humans In My House and the Animals Beyond It

11 Jun

Humans In My House and the Animals Beyond It chapter two illustration. Illustrator Victoria Lyons, 2018.

The third installment of the Humans In My House series is on its way! Look for a cover reveal Friday, June 15, 2018 and publication July 1, 2018 (Amazon Kindle and paperback).

In Kepler’s newest adventure, he and Emily meet animals from around the world during a trip to the zoo. Find out what conservationists are doing to help keep Kepler’s animal family happy and healthy both within the zoo and in their natural habitats, and learn how you can be a conservationist right from home!

Haven’t read the first two books in the series? Not to worry! Look for sales prices on books 1 and 2 during release, and get the whole series for a great deal!

Humans In My House is for readers aged 8 to 12, cat lovers, and anyone who loves our planet 🙂

Look for complimentary kid’s book club discussion prompts, vocabulary lists, and reading comprehension lessons after release. Downloadable lessons and other materials for previous volumes are here.

Triple A Book Blog Reviews Humans In My House and the Stars Above It

19 Mar


(This book review by Triple A Book Blog originally published here: https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FTripleABookBlog%2Fposts%2F1362158520597724&width=500 Republished with permission.)

An adorable sequel, our cat friend from the first book gets a name from Emily. She names him Kepler and attempts to explain why. Kepler, Emily and one of her friends then go outside to watch a meteor shower.

The dream sequence Kepler has is fun while also being highly informative. It was a widely interesting way to teach the kids I read to about the universe around us.

I adore these books and hope to see more of Kepler, Emily and friends in the future.

(Read Triple A’s review of Humans In My House series book 1 here and their interview of Amanda Marsico here.)

Triple A Book Blog Reviews Humans In My House (series book 1)

19 Mar


(This book review by Triple A Book Blog originally published here: https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FTripleABookBlog%2Fposts%2F1361681833978726&width=500 Republished with permission.)

A charming book for the youthful reader, or those young at heart. I not only enjoyed this book but so did the group of kids I read it to at school.

Quirky and fun, it’s one of the few books I’ve ever read that was from the point of view of a stray cat living in an abandoned home.

I love that it’s first person and really feels like how a cat might think. It also helps show a unique twist on the psychological makeup of children and what they deal with such as peer pressure, without being too heavy.

I can’t wait to read the second book and see what happens next with the cat and the humans…..

(See Triple A’s review of Humans In My House and the Stars Above It here and their interview with Amanda Marsico here.)

ANNOUNCEMENT! NEW Children’s Book, Nova June: Inventor

1 Feb


If you’re part of my mailing list or frequent my Facebook page, you know I’ve been teasing this announcement for a couple of weeks.


Nova June: Inventor is coming April 2018.

This picture book is for readers aged 3 to 7 years and features leading lady, Nova, age 7, and her pet box turtle, Georgie, in her quest for innovation.

Preview the concept art for Nova June below, and keep an eye out for the cover reveal and summary March 1, 2018.

Nova character pencil 2

Nova concept 1: Prismacolor pencils and Copic Marker; a bolder first sketch, very time-consuming

Nova character watercolor 2

Nova concept 2: Prismacolor watercolor pencils only; lighter end-result (which would be enhanced digitally), but very fast application

Talk to me! I welcome your thoughts on media used.

Please keep in mind that these images are CONCEPTS/media tests and are not the cover design or any particular interior illustration.

AVAILABLE NOW: Humans In My House and the Stars Above It

12 Sep

HIMH 2 Correct Aspect Ratio.png

Available now in paperback and Kindle.

Meet me and get a signed copy at Authors Invade Columbia

Buy Now!

12 Aug


Humans In My House is NOW AVAILABLE on Kindle and in paperback via CreateSpace and Amazon.

Thanks so much to everyone who has watched my journey and cheered me on. You rock.

Next up, final revisions of Acephalous, which I aim to publish in early 2017.


Interview: What Children REALLY Want to Read

22 Aug

Today is a get business done kind of day, so in lieu of a Self-Editing Tip, I’m going to post responses I’ve gathered from children I’ve worked with over the years on the topic of books.


Randy, 5

What is your favorite book?

“I have one, but I don’t know it…”

Leah, 4

What is your favorite book?

“Princess Fairy Tale Land.” (Side note: Who knows if that’s the real title)


“It has a lot of movies with it, and it’s funny.”

Why is it funny to you?

“It has lots of funny words.”

Mackenzie, 4

What is your favorite book?

“’Gigi’—It’s about Gigi, and if Gigi touches something bad an alarm comes on and guards come and put her in a pink tower.”

Why is it your favorite?

“Because I tried it and I liked it!”

Shane, 4

What is your favorite book?

“Lightning McQueen.”


“It has fast cars, and it’s funny.”

What makes it funny?

“They say funny things. The cars can talk.”

William, 5

What is your favorite book?

“ABC Trains.”

“Train tracks go under a house, and it’s funny.”

Why is it funny?

“They hit each other. They make butt jokes.”

Leah, 5

What is your favorite book?

“Princess Story Book.”


“Princesses are so beautiful.”

Is it a funny book?

“No, it’s a beautiful book.”


As you can see, the majority of Pre-K and kindergarteners choose their favorite books based on humor and appearance. So, if you’re a children’s writer, maybe some of this input from children can help you out. I’m aware that most of their answers are the same, but that’s what’s golden about it. It points you in a very specific direction. I don’t write children’s literature, but I’ve always wanted to. I collected these short interviews out of pure curiosity in the event that one day I finish the children’s stories I’ve started. We’ll see. I hope it’s handy for you.


Have a great Thursday! Be on the lookout for another Self-Editing Tip tomorrow.

–Amanda Marsico

Editor, Proofreader, Red Ink Enthusiast



