November Plans

2 Nov

Hello, again. I haven’t been around during the last few weeks. I’ve been editing and traveling. Life gets busy. And, I’m sure you know that once Halloween passes, the rest of the year finishes in a flash.

My plans for this month are to participate in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), during which authors set a 50,000-word goal and aim to complete a rough novel by the end of the month. The average pace required to reach this goal on time is just under 1700 words per day. I’d love if you joined me in the mad dash.

Just visit for more information and to sign up. In order to “win” the challange, you must create a user profile, create your novel info on the site, and use the site’s word counter for final validation of the word count. Don’t worry, they don’t keep your text in memory or history when you paste it in to be counted. No one will see your story unless you share it. Oh, and a tip, too. Choose a username you’ll like for a long time. There is currently no way to change it. Mine, for example, was based upon a character I never ended up using in my first NaNoWriMo. Now, it has no application to me or my writing, but I’m stuck with it.

If you plan to join the fun, find me on the wrimo website as DontWakeJenny, and be my writing buddy.

For those of you following me here, see you in December!

Happy writing,

Amanda Marsico

Editor, Proofreader, Red Ink Enthusiast

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