Customer Testimonials

Testimonial Donna Roberts

“I cannot express my gratitude for having Amanda as the proofreader and editor for my writings–website and novel. She has the knowledge and experience to detect mistakes and offer solutions to those errors making my written word very polished and publishable.  I highly recommend Amanda as a professional editor and proofreader for business copy and manuscripts. She is personable, easy to work with, and an expert in her field.”
Donna Roberts, Certified Life Coach, Author





SCofVa_one_prong_Logo Security Specialists
“Amanda has done a great job with the editing and copywriting for our new web site. Her words have made the benefits of the services come alive. We’re looking forward to publishing it in early 2014.”Dan DubanskyPresident, Security Specialists, Inc. & Structured Cable of VA

Visit my Thumbtack Pro page for more reviews from happy customers!
*All testimonials are customers’ own words and are not dictated or edited by Amanda Marsico.*

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